Mouth Tongue Teeth and Tooth Decay

Concept Explanation

Mouth Tongue Teeth and Tooth Decay

Mouth and Buccal Cavity: The process of ingestion starts from mouth or buccal cavity. As we ingest food, the salivary glands present in the mouth starts its digestion. The teeth present in the buccal cavity cut the food into small pieces by chewing and grinding it. Salivary glands secrete watery liquid, saliva.

This saliva contains digestive enzymes which help in partial digestion of food. The tongue helps in mixing saliva with food. This partially digested food is swallowed by the tongue and passed down to esophagus or food pipe.

Teeth: The food is cut by the teeth inside the mouth. Teeth mechanically break the food into small pieces. These teeth vary in appearance. Each tooth is rooted in a separate socket in the gums. There are four types of teeth:

  • Incisors : They are flat and chisel shaped teeth. They lie in the front of the mouth. There are eight incisor, four in upper jaw and four in lower jaw.  They are used for biting and cutting the food.
  • Canines: These are two large pointed teeth just behind incisors in each jaw, for piercing and tearing the food. There are four canines teeth found in humans.
  • Premolars: These are four (two on each side) large premolars with flat surface behind the canines in each jaw, for grinding and chewing. There are total eight premolar teeth in an adult.
  • Molars: In an adult, these are eight (two on each side, on each jaw) large molars with flat surface behind the premolars in each jaw, for grinding.
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    Sample Questions
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    Question : 1

    Which of the following is not a good habit ?

    Right Option : C
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    Question : 2

    A new born baby has no teeth. Teeth begin to appear when the baby is six to seven months old. By the age of three year children have 20 teeth.

    Which is the layer of the teeth present below the enamel ?

    Right Option : C
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    Question : 3

    Which of the following are correct ?

    (a) The process of ingestion starts from mouth or oral  cavity.

    (b) In human beings, teeth grow twice. The sets of teeth that grow during infancy are called milk teeth. These are also called temporary teeth.

    (c) Tongue is free from front and can help in mixing saliva with food, swallowing the food, taking or speaking and tasting with the help of taste buds for sweet, salt, sour and bitter food.

    Right Option : B
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